Summer 2013 : Live Your Passion

It’s the annual end of summer post. For years I have blogged my ode to summer as a lament to the loss of freedom and a return to a year of work. At times I’ve eluded to a fabled purgatory or indentured servitude, but each of these references were always intended to be tongue in cheek.

Suburban Coyote (Canis latrans) - White Bear Lake, MN

Canon 50D + Canon 300mm f2.8IS L + Canon 1.4x converter

I am a conservation photographer and artist, but this is only one of my two passions. My work, “the job,” is to teach. Teaching biology and exploring the working of life’s biodiversity is my other passion. I’ve been playing the role of a teacher since 1992, and am now a seasoned actor. Once a young buck among a sea of future retirees, I am now the old guy. Yet, with 22 years in the bank, I’m not one of those wannabe’s looking to leave the profession.

The Singer - (Melospiza melody) , Chippewa Prairie Preserve, MN

Canon 5D mark III + Canon 300mm f2.8IS L

The onset of the school year is as exciting and tense as capturing an ephemeral moment with my camera at the break of dawn. I feel the same pressure and fear of failure during my first week back to work as I do when photographing a fleeting moment. This fear is tempered by the sense of potential that also floods my thoughts. Much like photography, teaching excites me. The unknown product of my efforts and desire to improve what I do each day is a redundancy in these two passions of mine.

Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) - North Central, WI

Canon 5D mark III + Canon 300mm f2.8IS L

It’s been a good summer. I’ve photographed the prairies of Minnesota, the deep woods of the Midwest, and the jungles of Costa Rica. I’ve explored the details in bird feathers and frog eyes and climbed mountains to catch the start of a new day. This will be a good year too. I will craft rich lessons that will illuminate young minds, and paint a picture of the life found on this Earth. So rather than author yet one more lament, just this once I’ll let the real truth speak for itself... this educator has a nice life ;-)

Chippewa State Park - Minnesota

Canon 5D Mark III + Canon 17-40mm f4.0L  

©2000-2013 / Bruce & Tamy Leventhal. All rights reserved. No image on this site may be used without permission.